What is Gifted Education?
It's part of human nature to want to learn, to be in that place where we can grow intellectually, emotionally and creatively. We want to feel challenged, to move beyond where we are and toward our innate potential, to test our limits. Abraham Maslow, the well-known humanistic psychologist, called this the tendency toward self-actualization, and viewed it as an essential human drive.
Children need to feel challenged. In order to stay engaged, interested and excited about learning, they need the opportunity to explore, create, grow and go off in their own directions. Gifted programs exist to support students who need a different kind of learning experience - where they can work at an accelerated pace, on an advanced level academically, and to be around others with similar needs.
Giftedness has to do with how you approach things, how you learn, and your potential for learning. Giftedness means you are biologically wired to view the world in a certain way. Giftedness is about potential and attributes - "just viewing the world through a different lens". Therefore, a person's giftedness influences how they interact with the world.
Being identified as gifted is neither a good thing or a bad thing. It simply is. The label doesn't define you - the characteristics you display everyday do. The key is to learn how to manage those things - especially hard things such as emotional intensity, peer interactions, expectations - yours and from the people around you. Gifted education exists to provide students the tools they need for a successful journey.
Supplies, Events, Permission Forms:
The Joplin Elementary Gifted Center is located on the 3rd floor of the Memorial Education Center at 8th and Pearl. It services grades 2nd - 5th. When visiting, please come in the West entrance.
Wendee Hughes - 2nd/3rd
Apra Mainardi - 4th/5th
Kasey Pliler - Director
Supply List:
Lunch Menu:
*Sack lunches available
at home schools
Upcoming Events:
*Click here for "Welcome Letter"
What Is Character?
Abraham Lincoln said, “Reputation is the shadow. Character is the tree.“ Our character is much more than just our reputation, what we try to display for others to see. It is who we are even when no one is watching. Having a Good Character means doing the right thing just because it is right to do what is right.
“The mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual.” Another says it is “the complex of mental and ethical traits marking a person.” In still another dictionary, character is said to be “the stable and distinctive qualities built into an individual’s life which determine his or her response regardless of circumstances.”
Our Character Is What Determines How We Respond to the Situations and Circumstances of Life